Chickens for Checkups? And finally, the Las Vegas Review-Journal, which becomes the equivalent of a carnival barker during Nevada's bizarre campaign seasons, reports today on the latest between Nevada Democrats and Sue Lowden, one of several Republicans gunning for Sen. Harry Reid's job. After Lowden suggested last week that people consider bartering with their doctors to lower their health care costs, and Jay Leno got in on the fun, a Democratic campaign aide took a goat and four chickens to Lowden's campaign office and asked for details on her barter plan, dubbed "Chickens for Checkups" in the Silver State.
(Patricia Murphy, “Washington in 60 Seconds,” The Capitolist,, April 19, 2010)
Years ago, I did part-time ED work in Bolivar, Missouri. Citizen’s Medical Center was a great little hospital, and I fondly remember it for having the best hospital cafeteria ever (families would come there to eat after church of Sundays, it was that good) and a large wall mural featuring a central image of a farmer giving a pig to the physician who just delivered his child. Today, with poor Medicaid rates and the growing ranks of the unfunded and the uninsured, a goat and four chickens are often literally worth more than what I receive for providing care.
So let’s make a deal. You have a non-emergent condition. I have no knack whatsoever for effective housecleaning. Let the barter begin!
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